
DIY: Office Supply Crafts

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Many a broke-ass has headed the call of the fluorescent-light liftstyle by working in an office. Whether part-time, or life-time, there’s a good chance you’ve muttered something about “effing TPS reports” under your breath or that you’ve made Jim Halpert’s signature expression at a coworker. However, there are ways to make it bearable, and one of those ways is a hobby. Like say, making crafts and art out of …let’s call them reclaimed office supplies. Because I would never advocate stealing or anything… that would be… wrong. Tiny misdemeanor theft charges aside, let’s check out what our offerings are, shall we?

Envelopes: We’ve already talked about how to make your own envelopes but you can also reuse those security envelopes with the swirly patterns on the inside by turning them inside out. It’s pretty easy, just carefully tear the envelope open, refold and glue.

Stickers/Labels: These work well for DIY Manicures – either round shaped stickers for a half moon mani, or regular stickers and punch out a shape with a scrapbooking hole punch for stars or hearts or whatever neat swirly shape you can find.

Paper Clips/Binder Clips: It’s relatively easy to spruce up clips by adding bows, or paper cut outs decorated with stamps. Likewise, binder clips can be covered in fabric or ribbon and reused for a variety of things. You know… there are about a bloody million amazing paper clips crafts (like this surprisingly rad necklace, or these sweet charms, or these neat cards…) These earrings are really pretty. And this paper clip stair runner is craziness.

Post It Notes: There is some sick post it note art going on – you can find plenty of inspiration with a quick Google search – so plan out a color theme or your Mario and Dragon mosaic and get to stickin’. This is especially fun to do with post its in shapes like stars, or hearts, or flowers in a pattern on a wall. Also, like almost everything else, there’s a quick broke-ass Ikea lamp hack (I’m pretty sure I owned that p.o.s. lamp and I really wish I’d known about this when I did). There are some other neato ideas here.

Rubber bands: actually work really well when used as a gift bow (but might make that gift a wee bit time consuming to open).

If you’re looking for a way to organize all your office-y odds and ends, you’ve got some options there too: gluing together glass jars, or painted cans is pretty effective. This soda bottle desk organizer just involves cutting, painting, sealing an edge and adhering with glue. And matchbooks and Altoids tins can be repurposed too.


Images courtesy,,,,,

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Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

A freelance writer, blogger and poet based in San Francisco, Amber has written for PC World, InfoWorld, and the 16th & Mission Review. She has performed at City Hall, Litquake, the Brainwash, 16th & Mission, BlueSix, and SFSU among other places. Amber is also consummate fan of swearing, organizational freak, yoga practitioner, music geek, caffeine addict, and tattoo enthusiast who enjoys platform shoes, making out, thumb wrestling and fighting the good fight. She owns a bicycle named Gretel, a motor scooter named Elroy and a cat named Simon. She can be found in various virtual locations all over your interwebs.