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Movies and Drinking in Wburg’s DIY theater $5

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Do you ever find yourself getting caught in a YouTube film clip vortex? Maybe you’re looking up something for work or you’re just finishing your lunch hour with a little preview of Tremors V. Then you notice that funny scene from Seinfeld where Elaine and Mr. Lippman debate the name of their muffin tops-only store (“top of the muffin TO YOU!”); and then afterwards when YouTube suggests that you might enjoy that airplane scene from the beginning of The Dark Knight Rises, you watch that too, and on and on ad infinitum.

We all know why we do it. It’s fun. But there’s a problem with engaging in such behavior in the middle of the day: you aren’t drunk enough. Yup… and also you’ve got work to do.

Well the gals at DO YOU SMELL RIBS, have become aware of this problem. And they’re doing something about it.

This Friday at midnight, they are hosting a POWER HOUR at Williamsburg’s Spectacle Theater (not the Nitehawk). Here’s the idea: 60 clips, 60 minutes, 60 shots of beer… or as much beer as you want since it’s BYOB. They are also providing sacs-à-vomit. It’s called BEHOLD! THE POWER OF RIBS. It starts at midnight. Friday. So technically a Saturday just so as we’re on the same page here.

To quote their facebook page: “It’s really funny and it will get funnier as you get drunker.”

Did you get that? 60 clips… 60 minutes… 60 shots of beer (or whatever you want really). Shot glasses are provided.

There will also be festivities and beveraging afterwards at a location to be made public at the event.

You can thank me when you’re drunk.

See you there.

Friday, Nov. 16th @ Midnight
The Spectacle Theater (124 S. 3rd St)

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Jules Owen - Wandering Wastrel

Jules Owen - Wandering Wastrel

Going to a rich kid school when you aren't even given an allowance certainly trains you to live large on the cheap. Armed with such expertise, Jules travelled the globe, surviving off of 50 cent beers and 2 dollar meals everywhere from Buenos Aires to Mumbai. Three years ago he returned to the United States, living first in Baltimore while he settled a debt with the IRS, then in Brooklyn where he plays music and writes. He aspires to one day live in a van on N.15th and Kent.