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Free in NYC: Compost

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mmm compost!

mmm compost!

If you’re monitoring your grocery bills as closely as I am (ok, I admit it, I have no idea how to do this), you probably feel the same sense of pain when you’re forced to throw away a bag of spinach that’s turned brown or a pack of blueberries that mysteriously turned fuzzy.  The phrase “throwing money down the drain” has a new meaning as you see your hard-earned dollars and cents become literal trash.

And though many foods are unable to be salvaged, there’s still a way to relieve your conscience about disposing of your now-inedible products: compost.

Though I’m still unable to eat my browned bananas and coffee grounds, I feel better knowing that my scraps are going into community gardens to grow new, sustainable food products.


And the composting itself is easy! I have a space reserved in my freezer where I fill a plastic grocery bag with all my organic/natural/fresh/spoiled food scraps and when the bag reaches its limit, I merely drop it off at the Greenmarket on my corner. It’s as easy as taking out the trash and I feel like I’m going something productive with my waste!

(Bonus: our overheated, windowless living room/kitchen smells a lot less like garbage now that all the fresh scraps are frozen).

A full list of drop-off locations can be found here.

Happy Composting!

You can do it! Fo free!

Image: Courtesy of 

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Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva

While being New York’s most fabulous resident consumes most of her time, Melissa also enjoys excessive amounts of shopping, visiting museums, reading chick lit, crafting, cooking five meals a day, and befriending cute puppies. Melissa considers herself NYC’s ultimate pasta expert. Melissa also works as a publisher for Inside New York ( Read her blog ( or follow her on twitter (@melissabethk).