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Broke-Ass Brews: Refrigerator Tea

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

When it’s hot out, the first thing I’m tempted to spend my money on is a cold drink. Iced tea, frozen slushies, whatever, and even if they’re only $1, the small costs start to add up.

I decided to take matter into my own hands, and make my own stock of cold beverages to always have on hand. With a recycled pickle jar, and a few tea bags, and some tap water, I saved endless amounts of money throughout the week.

Simply put 2-3 tea bags of your choice (I find it fun to use a mix!) in a jar of cold water. Put it in the fridge overnight and your tea is ready! Don’t fill the water to the top if you want to add ice to the jar to travel with, or distribute contents jar into smaller bottles, and freeze them, before a hot day out on the town.


it's as easy as doing almost nothing

it’s as easy as doing almost nothing

Photo Credit: Me

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Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva

While being New York’s most fabulous resident consumes most of her time, Melissa also enjoys excessive amounts of shopping, visiting museums, reading chick lit, crafting, cooking five meals a day, and befriending cute puppies. Melissa considers herself NYC’s ultimate pasta expert. Melissa also works as a publisher for Inside New York ( Read her blog ( or follow her on twitter (@melissabethk).