There’s Still Magic on Coney Island

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

By Jessica DeJesus

The magic filled streets of Coney Island date back to the 18th century, when one of the world’s greatest escape artists, Harry Houdini himself, performed small tricks on the infamous boardwalk. The crowds would be in awe of the shows such an inspiring performer would put on. The days when mom, dad and all the kids could all go out for an event like that or enjoy a long day at the beach together seem long gone. We miss out on the times spent with one another where phones are off, wi-fi is disconnected and the only thing tuned in is all the attention on the experience.

Cue Magic at Coney!!! The magical experience that Magic at Coney!!! provides is one that excludes all large-scale pyrotechnics and mechanics. It’s just the audience and the performers. Magic at Coney!!! prides themselves on providing the utmost intimate experience with their audience members. Every Sunday, at noon, you can catch the magical experience right on the boardwalk of Coney Island after hitting the beach and grabbing some much-needed nourishment. Once you enter that magical Coney Island Museum, you will all be in for a treat. The veteran performers range from Award Winning Mind-Reader and Magician Torkova, the World’s Greatest Escape Artist Thomas Solomon, to the zany Omar Olusion. Thanks to Magic at Coney!!!’s constant performer rotation, you can expect to be surprised each and every time you attend.

Interaction with all audience members, specifically the children, keep the show propelling forward and everyone on their toes. Though the show is only scheduled to last for two hours each performance, the experience of Magic at Coney!!! remains with families for a lifetime. So, get ready for old time family fun at a price that doesn’t break the wallet, provided by founder and producer Gary Dreifus. Performances run every Sunday, apart from September 16th and December 23rd, at 12 noon. Tickets are priced inexpensively at $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 years of age and under. All proceeds from the show go to helping organizations on Coney Island that are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy.

Visit the Magic at Coney!!! website for more information.

Jessica DeJesus a New Jersey native writer whose fun loving and quirky personality brings passion and excitement into everything she writes. Her works incase all topics from reviews of food and events to art and music.

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