Getting Naked In Times Square: The Party to Legalize Nudity

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On Sunday September 2nd, at Duffy Square in Times Square NYC, performance artist Ton Dou will be hosting the Ultimate Freedom Concert where errbody gets naked. The purpose is to stand in solidarity together and say that public nudity should be exempt from penal laws. Yes, Beavis I said penal.

Says Ton Dou, “Nakedness predates any form of governance, and the freedom to enjoy and explore it whether for artistic, personal, recreational or spiritual purposes is rightfully ours”. All participants can purchase a bracelet that will allow them to let it all hang out without fear of being arrested. If you go to the event without a bracelet, though, and wave your dick at people you’ll go to jail.


Dou has lofty goals. He’d like to see the Supreme Court consider “upholding the legitimacy of bare body freedom as a natural human right”. He currently has a petition directed at United States Legislators. The petition states, “We believe that an individual’s state of nakedness is not an indication of a crime”. He wants to ensure that public nudity is considered a lawful form of artistic, theatrical and political expression.

The Ultimate Freedom concert will have music, singing, dancing as well as be petitioning to demand that nudists don’t go to jail. All attendees with a bracelet can be “completely bare with integrity”. Translation- don’t walk around with a boner.

Being naked in Times Square sounds fun. However, where tf will you put your MetroCard?

For more information about the event click here and to sign the petition click here.

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Joe DeLong - NYC Editor

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor

Former stand up comic, radio show host, mayoral candidate and fetish webcam model. Now I'm the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady.