Welcome to the Johnsons: $2 PBR and Remorse
Regretful decisions I have made at Welcome to the Johnsons: there are so many! Talking to a guy in a bandana, using the bathroom, ordering a seventh vodka-soda-orange juice' the list goes on. But I will love Welcome to the Johnsons forever for its chill atmosphere and super cheap drinks.
I hear a lot of complaints about the dirt level here, and I will not deny that their drink glasses sorta look like someone found them on the subway. Also, ladies, definitely hover over the toilet seat because it is gross. But I will withstand considerable amounts of filth for $2 PBRs and $5 wells. If you come here during the day time, when the natural light really brings out the stains on the plastic-covered couches, they will make you the most delicious, Guinness-and-pickle Bloody Mary you have ever had in your LIFE. It sounds weird, but it is amazing. I think all the bartenders know the recipe, but Shy (sp??) makes them the best. Plus, a healthy amount of dirt builds up your immune system. As long as you don’t lick the pool table or something you’ll be fiiiiine.
Welcome to the Johnsons
123 Rivington St. btw Essex & Norfolk