new york latest

22 Apr 2010

Times Square Does King Tut

I recently watched an episode of “Antiques Roadshow” where an interesting object came up for appraisal.  My husband declared it a “piece of crap that wasn’t worth anything.”  I countered by claiming that it was, in fact, an ancient Egyptian canopic jar worth a lot of money.  When the words

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
21 Apr 2010

FREE Admission to the Bronx Zoo

Tomorrow is Earth Day. If you wanna get one with nature, there are trees you can hug in Central Park, Prospect Park, smaller neighborhood parks, or just on the street. Though it’s a little difficult to wrap your arms around the saplings that line most NYC blocks. If you’d rather

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
21 Apr 2010

Tweet to win FREE tickets to 'Orpheus & The Plastic Masquerade'

If your other half is anything like mine, he or she hates contests like this. Because if you win, it means they’ll have to turn off “Operation Repo,” spray some Febreze on a button-down, and watch people dance around on a stage while resisting the urge to stuff dollar bills

Mikey Rox - Cut-Rate Copywriter 0
20 Apr 2010

The Return of Stone Street

I don’t know too many people who hang out in the Financial District unless they work there or like to have their drinking subsidized by horny bankers. But amidst all the dirty money, high-rises, and the tourist-choked South Street Seaport, lies one of the oldest streets in New York, Stone

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
20 Apr 2010

From Walking the LES to FREE Food with Edgar Allan Poe

The LES’s Tenement Museum has a new walking tour called ‘œNext Steps,’ focusing on the trends that shaped the Lower East Side from 1935 to the present, and this Wednesday at 2:30pm, the tour is FREE!  The tour takes visitors above Delancey Street, with stops along the way at bodegas,

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
19 Apr 2010

Pinkerton Wine Bar

On an unexpectedly cold and rainy-ish Spring Thursday evening,  fellow Broke Ass writer Laura S. and I decided to check out the new bar that opened in place of the restaurant N6th: a wine bar called Pinkerton.  Though they have a nice selection of microbrews, we both decided to stick

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
19 Apr 2010

The Best Cleaning Products for Your Lack of Cash

I used to think spring cleaning was a big lie created to give sitcoms and cartoons a plot line for an episode, but this week I kind of understand the concept. It’s above freezing in New York. Now I can do stuff in my apartment without hiding in my blankets.

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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