Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless

16 Nov 2011

Exercise Tips for the Unathletic Broke-Ass

I haven’t broken into a run since 2002.  That was sophomore year of high school, when I used to get in trouble in P.E. class for leisurely bicep-curling five pound weights and gossiping with hoodrat girls who called me “Tasty Vanilla,” when I should have been pumping iron.  But, alas,

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
15 Nov 2011

Learn About Lost Villages and Archaeological Digs FREE in Central Park This Thursday!

Hey there, U.S. History Nerd in the house.  I love me some Vietnam War, some Great Depression, some Boss Tweed (you know, not like actual wars and economic meltdowns and gangsters, but learning about them and stuff).  I know there are other nerdbombers out there, which is why I’m going

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
09 Nov 2011

Why Inappropriate Crushes are the Ultimate Free Entertainment

Few things are free in this world.  However, if J. Lo taught us anything, it’s that “love don’t cost a thing,” baby!  In a world where going to the movies costs $13 and a new pair of winter boots can wipe out your “me money” for the month, gazing adoringly

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
08 Nov 2011

FREE Admission and Performance at the New Museum This Thursday

The New Museum— currently home to a ridiculous giant slide, among other awesome artistic attractions– offers FREE admission every Thursday night from 7-9pm.  There’s really no better way to spend a Thursday evening than viewing and discussing contemporary art, followed by whizzing down a humongous tube slide squealing gleefully like

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
02 Nov 2011

Broke-Ass Style: 99 Cents Store Treasures That Will Transform You Into a Pop Diva

Last weekend, I spent my Halloween dressed as Selena (a costume which– thanks to procrastination and an extremely ill-timed thunder/snowstorm– turned out looking more like an alcoholic 90s-goth-chola in snow boots, but whatevs).  I’ve always had a special place in my kinky-cop-hat-and-bustier-wearing heart for that quick-stepping ranchera, and would probably

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
01 Nov 2011

FREE ‘Dragonslayer: The Movie’ Release Party Tonight at Public Assembly

To pretty much everyone’s horror, it snowed in NYC last Saturday.  Snow.  In October.  Too soon.  Can’t handle it.  Every time the weather gets shitty around here, my mood gets shitty too, and I complain endlessly about how I want to move back to the West Coast (even though deep

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
26 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Halloween Costumes Gone Wrong

Halloween can be painful– and for reasons besides buying bags of mini-candies at the drugstore, eating them all at once while lounging in bed watching Netflix, and subsequently worrying about tummy aches/lack of dental insurance/pants button-popping (haaayyy).  Rather, Halloween can be a financial pain for people on a budget, a.k.a.

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0