Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless

25 Apr 2012

How to Be a Dancing Queen on a Budget

The answer to this question is easy:  smear on massive amounts of lipstick, back-comb your wig into voluminous perfection, climb up onto a table, and shake your thing because hips don’t lie, honey!  Oh, wait.  So you just want to learn how to dance like a pro, but don’t have

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
24 Apr 2012

Listen to FREE ‘Bach at Noon’ Organ Concerts on Your Lunch Hour

As someone who couldn’t even handle learning the recorder in the fifth grade, I give mad props to anyone who is even remotely musically inclined. If you even kind of play the guitar, you’re a total superstar in my eyes. If your clarinet skills recall that of a snake charmer

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
18 Apr 2012

How to Celebrate a “Friend-a-Versary” (You Know, Like an Anniversary, Except with People You Don’t Smooch)

I’m a big ol’ fan of celebrations: parties, holidays, the “happy dance” that I perform in my room after I do my laundry and realize that I don’t have to wear ratty underpants anymore.  It doesn’t take much for me to throw my arms up in the air, and praise

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
17 Apr 2012

Flaunt Your Intelligence (And Get FREE Drinks) at Nerd Jeopardy

Full disclosure:  I was on the quiz bowl team in high school.  Actually, I was captain of the quiz bowl team.  For four years.  Now that’s a Code Red Nerd Alert if I’ve ever seen one.  That being said, I have a soft spot for trivia, or any kind of

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
11 Apr 2012

Tales of My Foot Phobia

Believe it or not, this morning marked the second time that I saw someone clip their nails on the subway.  At least it wasn’t their toenails, like the first time around.  That incident happened during the summer, when it was hot enough to wear sandals– the thick, B.O.-pungent air, and

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
04 Apr 2012

An Ode to Guys with Potbellies

Straight ladies and gay gents:  think about what makes a man attractive to you.  Is he passionate about life?  Does he respect you?  Does he make you laugh, and make you think about deep, philosophical shit?  If you got knocked up and had a baby, would you not mind that

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
03 Apr 2012

FREE Admission to the Noguchi Museum Through April 22nd

Japanese artist Isamu Noguchi was one pretty cool cat.  The Ben Franklin of the art world, Noguchi was a real Renaissance man, and was well-known for his simplistic sculptures, public art, landscape architecture, lighting, and furniture.  There’s a Noguchi Museum in Long Island City– dedicated to the jack-of-all-trades’s work, and,

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0