Harvey Rifkin

Living in a Liberal Area, is a Privilege in Itself
These days there is a lot said and written about White Privilege and White Male Privilege which many times turns on the lighted sign that says “Ugly Conservative”. On the other hand how much is said about well educated, urban Liberals who live in large cities such as San Francisco,

Living in a Liberal Area is a Privilege
These days there is a lot said and written about White Privilege and White Male Privilege which many times turns on the lighted sign that says “Ugly Conservative”. On the other hand how much is said about well educated, urban Liberals who live in large cities such as San Francisco,

The Privileges of Big City Liberals, Like Me
These days there is a lot said and written about White Privilege and White Male Privilege which many times turns on the lighted sign that says “Ugly Conservative”. On the other hand how much is said about well educated, urban Liberals who live in large cities such as San Francisco,

Conservatives Generally Do Not Favor Democracy
In the main, Conservatives do not favor democracy. They favor strict voting restrictions and realize that they are becoming an unfavorable minority. My definition of democracy is to enable and make it easy for every American citizen to vote (including felons) in order to have a say in the running of

Trump Is A Skilled Communicator to a Select Audience
A successful Democratic candidate for president in 2020 could learn some basic foundational communication skills from Trump. Trump understands the importance of a visceral emotional connection with his audience. One of the most important attributes for basic communication is body language, affirming the needs of the audience, being non- judgemental,

Why Trumpers Don’t Want to See His Moral Failings
Trump supporters see him as the messenger for White Male Privilege Patriarchal control. These oppressive Trump values are more important to his supporters than the rule of law, professional competence, or upholding of moral character. Until there is a culture shift in those who have little issues with racism, misogyny,

‘No” to Drug Injection Sites Akin to Outlawing Abortion, Prostitution, and Alcohol
Through the millennia prohibition on drinking of alcoholic beverages, outlawing prostitution, and banning legal abortions has proven to be a failure. Prohibitions do not stop the use, but only drive these activities underground, increase crime, cause death and suffering, and put an unnecessary financial drain on the criminal justice system.