Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher

06 Oct 2010

FREE M.I.A. Show at Brooklyn Bowl

At the risk of sounding like an infomercial: Brooklyn Bowl really is so much more than a bowling alley. At traditional bowling allies, your only hope for karaoke or a dance party is singing along with Train, CCR, or whatever top 40/classic rock hits places like this deliver. But Brooklyn

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
01 Oct 2010

NYC Has Baby Baboons and Baby Tigers!

Zoo animals in NYC must’ve been busy gettin’ it on this year, because there are new baby animals in two of the city’s three zoos. If you’re sick of staring at other people’s puppies in dog parks, head out to the Bronx or Prospect Park to see little baboons, tigers

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
29 Sep 2010

Drink and Draw at Third Ward Tonight

I have a theory that, deep down, everyone is just a 12-year-old boy. My theory is proven every time I walk past the bull statue on Wall Street and see more people posing with the bull’s testicles on the rear end than the front. If you embrace your inner 12

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
27 Sep 2010

OCD Lecture: Flesh Lights and Other Toys from Japan

There comes a time in everyday when your mind wanders into the gutter and you start thinking things like, “Gee, I wish I knew more about the history and current trends of Japanese masturbatory aid technology.” Pete’s Candy Store can answer all your questions. Tonight, they’re starting back up the

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
24 Sep 2010

Bergen wins the Brooklyn Bagel Battle

As a Brooklyn resident, I initially swore my bagel loyalty to Bagelsmith. Their bagels are consistently perfect, a bit crispy on the outside with dense, fluffy insides. While the Bagel Store coats their everything bagels with an impenetrable layer of toppings, Bagelsmith dips them in just enough seeds, salt and

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
22 Sep 2010

Steamboat: FREE Sexy Comedy Reading

Watching comedians on TV is all right, but the beeps where there should be swearing really detracts from the overall enjoyment. It’s not anywhere near as tragic as when movies get edited for TV and they replace words like “sex” with “the session” and you die a little bit inside.

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
20 Sep 2010

Not Friday is FREE Comedy on Mondays

Last week, I was sitting on the train at 1:30am, reading the last chapter of a book by Linda Ellerbee (you may remember her as the host of Nick News). A dude sat down next to me and I could feel him staring at my book. “Can I offer you

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0