Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher
FREE Three Minute Rock & Roll Stories
The first time I ever went to Brooklyn, it was my senior year in college and I was in Fort Greene, I think, to see Grand Buffet. After watching two goofy white dudes play a hip hop show, my friend and I went across the street to a poorly lit
Two Pop Burgers for 88 Cents!
I think the last time I was in Pop Burger, my friends and I tried to start a dance party in the bar portion. The bouncers were having none of it, and even told us to stop when we started dancing in an area with less traffic. I don’t hold
$5 Pad Thai Party at Note Thai
Elementary school was awesome for random food rewards. If you got enough stars on a chalkboard, brought in the most canned goods, or stayed quiet during spelling tests, you occasionally received pizza, pop corn, or ice cream parties. Now that we’re adults, we’re just expected to do well and buy
No Glove No Love: $3 Off Admission to the Museum of Sex
When my friend and I went to Copenhagen, the glowing red sign for the Museum Erotica became our landmark. Whenever we were lost, we used it to figure out which direction to go. New York’s Museum of Sex hasn’t become a compass for me, but it’s the best place to
NYC Giveaway: Experimental Theater Tickets!
Your first theater experience in NYC probably involved something by Rogers and Hammerstein about two people falling in love after using song as dialogue. The Debate Society doesn’t make that kind of theater. Their latest show, You’re Welcome is a collection of five plays about creation and failure told through
Restaurant Behavior: Avoid Irritating the Waitstaff
I’ve been waiting tables off and on for about 10 years, and I spent my first year in Brooklyn waiting tables at a diner in Park Slope. It was a fantastic cultural introduction to New York. When a lady ordered an egg cream, I had to go ask the other
Slideshow and Tell/ FREE Comedy Show
Slideshow and Tell There is no outlet like show and tell in the adult world. In elementary school, you got your five minutes a week to get your classmates excited about the shell you found on the beach, and you’d get to hear about their new pet kittens or robot