
19 Feb 2009

Smelly Fingers at Recession Prices on Wednesdays

        Does anyone else have a hanger breaking problem in thrift stores?  I feel like fucking Lennie from Of Mice and Men.  Last time I went to Goodwill I broke at least 10 trying to sift through the overstuffed racks.  I’m thinking, “here’s a nice Hugo Boss dress shirt with

18 Feb 2009

Punjabi – Taxi Drivers Know Best

      Unlike many of you, I went to the Sunday Show after party for the open Absinthe bar where the fire eater, go-go dancer, and juggler stood out through the thin crowd. Despite the potential for something awesome, expectations weren’t met (nothing caught on fire!) until I ordered an

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Feb 2009

The best thing you can do this week

  by Broke-Ass Stuart     I rarel’‹y give my full endor’‹semen’‹t to a music’‹ group’‹.’‹ Sure I may help promo’‹te a frien’‹d’’‹s thing’‹ every’‹ once in awhil’‹e,’‹ but it’s not often’‹ that I’m willi’‹ng to throw’‹ my weigh’‹t behin’‹d somet’‹hing and give it my full seal of appro’‹val.’‹ That

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
16 Feb 2009

Fishtail Prix Fixe

  Photo from NY Magazine     This past week had pretty much fucked me over hardcore.  My apartment got broken into last Monday, and my computer got stolen, along with my roommate’s Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii.  This is the third time I’ve gotten broken into (plus mugged once,

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
15 Feb 2009

Cupid is for Babies, Adults go for Fairies

    It’s the day after and cupid has shit in his diaper and cigarette breath.  I, on the other hand, have jalepeno tequila on my breath and haven’t defecated – too much cheese at the  house party in Bushwick.  It was manageably “festive” – a guy drew a picture

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
13 Feb 2009

ClassyTrashy – Fashion Week Party with an Open Bar!

When a fashion week party has an open invite on Facebook it is standard procedure to rag on it.  However, when that open Facebook invitation includes the words “Open Belvedere Vodka Bar”  silence takes over and little hands get RSVP’ing.  I have no idea how long they will be accepting reservations,

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
12 Feb 2009

How To Not Be A Cathy Comic Stereotype and/or Super Cheesy on V-Day

      Do you ever feel like you’re just one pint of chunky monkey away from uttering ‘œwake me up when I’m a size five?’  Are you afraid of cheapening your relationship with your significant other by falling into the traps laid out for you by the Valentines Day

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0