Arts and Culture

08 Dec 2009

Four Boozy Bar Crawls

Having attended a state school, I know a thing or two about bar crawls. Granted I never participated in them, but sure enough every weekend, a crowd of matching t-shirts or some obscure theme would be dragging ass all over town all in the name of the almighty bar crawl.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
08 Dec 2009

New York Ticket Giveaway to the Metropolitan Opera!

Think opera is just for rich biddies?  Well think again!  We have three pairs of seats to give away for FREE to see Hansel and Gretel at the Metropolitan Opera. The show is on December 17th at 8 PM. Why would you care about Hansel and Gretel, you ask?  Well,

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
07 Dec 2009

FREE Kurt Braunholer Jokes About Time Travel! FREE Parts & Labor Show!

Kurt Braunholer Will Make You Laugh Your Ass Off Usually, the only guarantees at Union Pool are good people watching, a fire/fountian and a taco truck. But December is a special month. Tonight, along with the absurdly long bathroom line, you can expect at least one time travel joke from

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
06 Dec 2009

The Bust Holiday Craftacular

The holiday season is now in full swing, and since New York doesn’t have an abundance of malls (heavy sigh of relief), pop-up markets are springing up all over the city. Last week I wrote about the Winter Market at Public Assembly, which will be returning this Sunday as well.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
05 Dec 2009

Debutante Hour Presents and Candy Crack

America’s favorite accordion/drum/cello power trio, the ‘œDebutante Hour,’ presents a Variety Show Telethon Bash with 20 old, Soviet rotary phones, and a silent auction (bid on great stuff like the Debutante Hour makes you cupcakes or plays a personal show in your living room or takes you canoeing in the

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
04 Dec 2009

Tree Lightin' and Figure Skatin'

You thought I was talking about Rockefeller Center, didn’t ya?  Well I wouldn’t do you like that, dear readers.  As someone who grew up within vomiting distance of Rockefeller Center, I spent many a miserable, overcrowded, annoying December 4th being dragged by my parents (along with my sister and any

BAS Writers 0
02 Dec 2009

FREE Cringe Night Reading

There really is no angst quite as raw and awkward as teenage angst. As an adult, the closet thing you get to reliving it is watching My So-Called Life over and over. If you’re looking for a new fix of painful teenage angst, because you’ve memorized every episode, dig out

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0