
24 Feb 2009

Dooley’s Open Bar @ Aspen Tonight!

  I’m sitting at the computer in my sleeping bag today and it’s not even that cold. This apartment is like a walk-in with furniture; some sick chef’s pet Truman Show.  Feel anything like Fat Tuesday, like I even know what it’s about. I equate it with Girls Gone Wild

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
13 Feb 2009

ClassyTrashy – Fashion Week Party with an Open Bar!

When a fashion week party has an open invite on Facebook it is standard procedure to rag on it.  However, when that open Facebook invitation includes the words “Open Belvedere Vodka Bar”  silence takes over and little hands get RSVP’ing.  I have no idea how long they will be accepting reservations,

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
09 Feb 2009

NY: Where Not to Order Specialty Martini’s…The Holland Bar

    I went to Holland Bar to verify a NY Times article.  I left thinking it was like Cheers. Not cable TV, Beacon Hill, Boston Cheers. This is “HBO Special” Hell’s Kitchen Cheers.  The “Open” sign on the door was hand written on a half-sheet of computer paper.  The Spartan

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0