Banking Tips for Broke People
Even though we all claim to be broke-asses, most of us keep the small amount of money we do have in the bank (unless you are my friend Gabe who doesn’t believe in banks). But, as most of us have realized by now, banks are pretty sneaky. They say they
The Unpakt Network Finally Makes Moving to a New Place Funny!
This post was sponsored by the good people at Are you interested in advertising with us or sponsoring a post? If so drop us a line at Remember Unpakt? They’re that rad price comparison site I wrote about that helps ease the pain of finding a trustworthy (and affordable) company to lift, pack,
Life of a Musician After An Expensive College Degree
I mean true musicians. The type of musicians who have tons of talent, loads of promise, a refusal to do anything else and no cash. I’m going to let you in on the worst kept secret of a generation: having a bachelor’s degree in ‘Music Anything’ doesn’t exactly secure you
Gifteng: The Best New App For Broke Asses
Take Freecycle, Pinterest, and the “free stuff” category from Craigslist, put them together, and you have new mobile app Gifteng. Gifteng allows you to get rid of all that random shit you have but don’t want to throw out because well, some of it’s actually cool. It’s just not for
A Response to Brooklyn Gentrification
Whether you think gentrification’s good, bad, natural, or hipster-white-boy-shit seeking “cool” culture but eliminating it, I’m witnessing it, first hand. Of course, it’s easy to retort, “You’re a skinny white boy with ginger hair and writes. That’s almost the stereotypical definition of gentrification.” I won’t argue you; it’s true. As
Moving Sucks! Save Money on Your Move with Unpakt!
Ben Franklin famously wrote that “Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” But what it should have said is, “…death, taxes, and that moving sucks.”
The Perks of Being Unemployed
To the ones who have had some trouble holding down a job, or the ones who have had extreme difficulty actually landing a job to hold down, or the ones who simply just cannot work, here’s some good news. There are actually perks to being an unemployed citizen; a person