Shopping, Style and Beauty

14 Nov 2012

Top Clothing Trends for Broke-Asses

Everyone’s heard the expression “starving artist” before, right? Throughout time, there has always been a subset of the population who fits this description and today, my friends, many of us are the ones filling those ratty, tattered shoes. Whether it’s because all of our disposable income goes toward bettering our

Patricia Scull - Patty the Pauper 0
29 Oct 2012

Not Your Average Ho-Ho-Halloween

It’s that time of year again… the time of pretending and fantasy. That holiday where one can dress up as anything they so desire and drop bad accents without shame. It’s Halloween. For some, this is the time to get the creative juices flowing, and for others it’s just an

Kristin Fehrman - Diva of Deals 0
15 Oct 2012

A Guide to Surviving Fall in Portland aka: Summer “Went Out to Buy Cigarettes” and is Never Coming Back

So first off if you’re reading this, congratulations! You didn’t overdose or asphyxiate on your own vomit from partying this summer! That’s great and I’m sure your parents are proud. I hope you were right on the brink, though, and you got all the summering out of your system because look outside,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
05 Oct 2012

Make It A Woman’s Day Celebration at Grand Central Station w/ FREE Giveaways Today

Today is Friday, October 5th and it is officially the first ever Make It A Woman’s Day! Ladies come down and celebrate yourself and take some me time as Woman’s Day Magazine turns 75 at Grand Central Station. You will be able to meet the editors, witness craft & cooking

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
03 Oct 2012

Being a Californian in New York City

I am a Californian living in New York City.  I was born in the suburbs of Los Angeles, raised in the suburbs of San Diego, and went to college in the Bay Area, so I’d kind of consider myself somewhat of a semi-expert on Californianity.  Living as a Broke-Ass-West-Coaster-Gone-East for

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
28 Sep 2012

Leave Your Damn Apartment!

Unemployment is hard. Job hunting is a job in itself without the pay and the benefits. However like having a regular job it takes entirely too much of your time and you kind of hate your boss sometimes. Currently, I am looking for work and I spend a majority of

May S. - Couch-Change Spelunker 0
24 Sep 2012

Cheap Beauty Tip of the Week: Take Care of Your Makeup Brushes

If you are someone who works with makeup on a daily basis, whether you’re a makeup artist or someone who wears it everyday, you recognize the value of investing in a set of quality makeup brushes. Depending on the brand, how many brushes you buy and the quality of brushes,

Kathleen Neves - Beauty Babe on a Budget 0