Shopping, Style and Beauty

12 Jan 2010

The Art of Winter Layering

While I’m looking forward to the spring trends Ashley talked about, one of the things that pisses me off about the “fashion world” is that it’s never in sync with the actual seasons. I came home the other day only to discover a Victoria’s Secret’s swimsuit catalog in my mailbox.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
11 Jan 2010

Escape from New York – Cheaply and Easily

We all love New York.  Everything about it is amazing, if you can Make It Here, big lights will inspire you and streets will do other stuff and everything is suffused with the glow of magic. But sometimes you just need to get the fuck out.  Whether it be for

BAS Writers 0
10 Jan 2010

Pantless Subway Ride

Improv comedy doesn’t always have to involve a stinky basement theater and awkward laughs. Sometimes it can be as simple as forgoing your pants for the day. From the people that brought you the Food Court musical, comes the 9th Annual No Pants Subway Ride. Since going global, people will

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
09 Jan 2010

Stuff for the Stuffed Up: A Few Tricks for Cold Symptoms

No matter how much you ignore people on the subway in New York, it’s hard not to notice the people wearing surgical masks. And while part of me giggles, another part of me totally understands the precaution. Nothing breeds germs quite like enclosed spaces and people rubbing their hands all

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
03 Jan 2010

Hangover Cures from Your Fellow Broke-Asses

On this, one of the most hangover laden weekends of the year, you’re probably curled up in a ball apologizing to your stomach and liver and wishing that Abraham Lincoln had never invented alcohol. One thing that has gotten me through times like this are the funny/genius cures offered up

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
29 Dec 2009

Broke-Ass Guide to Working Out

Like everyone else, I pretty much ate my weight in carbs this past holiday weekend, so naturally I’m looking to drop my phantom baby weight in the new year. But you know what, gym membership inflation is right up there with college tuition and I don’t have an extra $60

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
28 Dec 2009

Who Got the Hookup? Cheap Tech Fixes in NYC

Aside from the words “FINAL NOTICE”, “EVICTION NOTICE” and “CLOSED BY HEALTH INSPECTOR” there are few messages that strike fear into the heart of a Broke-Ass quite like seeing that sinister-looking exclamation point on your iPod or that wallpaper striped pattern on your iBook that means your logic board is

BAS Writers 0