
How Phillis Lyon Changed The World…And My Life
Guest Post by Dottie Lux Yesterday was an average Thursday in the sense that, in the morning I ascended a long steep staircase, grabbing the newspaper and passing blooming daisies, to reach a blue house tucked back on the very tip-top of a sloping San Francisco hill. The best view

The BAS Endorsement: Why You Should Vote for Bernie Sanders
Primarily written by Sayre Piotrkowski with research and other input from, Colin O’Dell, Nico Simonian, Kristin Lawless, Cindy Martinez, and Stuart Schuffman. The readers of this site range from anti-fascist anarchists who are wary of being involved in electoral politics at all, to other folks whose sole priority in the

Trump Represents All That’s Flawed with America…but There’s Hope For Change
This originally appeared in a slightly different form in my Broke-Ass City column for the San Francisco Examiner. Well, it’s been three years. Three whole years since the Divided States of America inaugurated the sorriest excuse for a human many of us have ever witnessed. We live in a world

Voodoo as a Means of Political Resistance
by Willem Frankfort I’ve been an activist for a long time, since my mother led me by the hand to Free Mandela rallies. I’m pretty sure that my first words were probably condemning Ronald Reagan. I marched repeatedly; against two wars, against the one percent with Occupy Wall Street at

How to Use Tech for Activism
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. It’s also why we’re

How to Boycott Amazon
Amazon is incredibly convenient. You can get nearly anything imaginable delivered to your house, and often do so the very next day. Yes, they make life much easier. But they are also shady as hell and don’t deserve your money. And because of that we need to boycott Amazon. Why

Environmental Activist Refuses To Take Cold Shoulder From Athleta
You know when you were a kid and you’d stand there with the refrigerator open, gawking slack-jawed to see if any tasty snacks had appeared since five minutes ago when you did the same thing? Then your mom would yell at you for the tenth time already to close the