Arlene’s Grocery

18 Mar 2013

FREE Concert: Fortress of Attitude Playing Arlene’s Grocery Tonight

Sadly, I’ve received some terrible news this month: there will not be an intimate apartment show with the boys from Fortress of Attitude. But, the good news is that they will be performing at Arlene’s Grocery tonight! The New York-based comedy rock group will be hitting the stage for an

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
05 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Late Cambrian

Late Cambrian makes the kind of music that makes you want to dance around to in your underwear in the morning, and plays shows that are truly delightful to watch. The quartet, O, John, Colin and Nunzio, will be playing Brooklyn’s Spike Hill this Thursday, October 6th at 7:30PM and Arlene’s Grocery

Tiara Francis - NY Know-it-all 0
27 Oct 2009

Let's Get Drunk and Sing: NYC Karaoke Guide

Karaoke is one of those things that either begins or ends your night.  You know what kind of night you’ve had when you find a ticket stub from Sing Sing in your pocket and you wake up on someone’s couch.  Just like bowling, Karaoke is one of those group activities

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
21 Oct 2009

CMJ Shows Worth Spending a Few Bucks On

As I watched a group of three vaguely-European twenty somethings wrangle their luggage and musical instruments in hardcases, I thought “Oh yeah, CMJ is this week.” They could be in town with musical instruments this week by pure coincidence, but I doubt it. This week, pretty much every show in

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0