banh mi

Broke-Ass Sandwiches: Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich Deli
There are goddamn sandwiches everywhere in NYC. Each bodega has their own interpretation of what a sandwich is. My bodega seems to think a sandwich is slimy meat with shredded lettuce that dissolves into rusty water, and I’m pretty sure the bodega across the street uses the deli cabinet to hide drugs.

Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches Will Haunt Your Daydreams
Earlier this year, my office moved from the East Village to Midtown. We were across from the Physical Graffiti building before, and are now across from a parking garage in case you’re wondering just how big this cool to uncool change has been. We’ve adjusted for the most part, but

I Would Die for the Sandwiches at Hanco's
I love sandwiches to an embarrassing extent. They are compact and deeply satisfying; making a great one requires an understanding of the delicate nature of balance and portion in food. Also, holy jesus, are they delicious. But sandwiches get a bad rap from time to time, especially when people try

New York's Burger Wars
New York has seen it’s share of food trends these days, particularly when it comes to street food and dishes normally reserved for a greasy spoon diner. There was the Banh Mi boon, the fried chicken revival, and now the battle for the ultimate burger bragging rights is up for

Hanco and Baoguette-Banh Mi in 2 Boroughs
You know those days, (or, sometimes weeks or months..) where you just have absolutely NO money? Yeah, me too. Whether you just paid off massive credit card debt, splurged on something earlier in the month and are paying the price now, or simply have no income, we all know how