bar crawl

20 Jun 2013

Broke-Ass Octophiles: Cheap and in Love with the ’80s

What exactly is the correlation between being broke and being obsessed with/nostalgic for/stuck in the ’80s? I know it’s not just me. Go to any hipster neighborhood (Williamsburg, etc.), try to picture everyone without their iPhones, and voila, you could very well be in 1984. Is it because hipsters are

Rene Beight - Femme Frugale 0
15 Mar 2013

Green Kegs & Hammered: St. Paddy’s Day Weekend

Ain’t nothing better than getting completely hammered on St. Patrick’s Day. But why wait until Sunday when you can start drinking tonight? Ladies and leprechauns, I introduce you to the official Williamsburg bar crawl for St. Paddy’s Day: Green Kegs & Hammered. You get three options, folks. So read carefully.

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
11 Dec 2010

Annual Running of the Santas: Santacon

Santa’s always had a reputation as a bit of a drunkard. Blame the harsh climate of the North Pole, or the VFW hall where mall’s do their Santa recruiting, but beneath those jolly layers of red velvet lives a man who just likes to have a good time. If you

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0