Ben Franklin

An Ode to Guys with Potbellies
Straight ladies and gay gents: think about what makes a man attractive to you. Is he passionate about life? Does he respect you? Does he make you laugh, and make you think about deep, philosophical shit? If you got knocked up and had a baby, would you not mind that

FREE Admission to the Noguchi Museum Through April 22nd
Japanese artist Isamu Noguchi was one pretty cool cat. The Ben Franklin of the art world, Noguchi was a real Renaissance man, and was well-known for his simplistic sculptures, public art, landscape architecture, lighting, and furniture. There’s a Noguchi Museum in Long Island City– dedicated to the jack-of-all-trades’s work, and,

Cage Heat: Nicholas Cage Night at IFC Theater
I blame my Mother and her exposing me the movie Moonstruck. That’s where the love of the “Cagemaster”, as I will now be calling him, began. Although that movie is cheesier than a 7 layer lasagna in Little Italy, he’s definitely not your typical romantic leading man. Known equally for

Penny Beers and Captain Morgan Shots at Ellis Bar 9-10pm
A penny saved is a beer undrunk tonight, which misleadingly paints Ben Franklin in the ugly light of the big sopping wet blanket. Too bad he is a huge baller, rocking hard-partying synapses to come up with incredible discoveries and inventions like the Franklin Stove, which doubled heat output