Black Friday

Screw Cyber Monday…It’s Broke-Sunday!
25% off the Entire BAS Store! Happy Broke-Ass Sunday! Fuck Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I just invented Broke-Ass Sunday (Shop Local Saturday…you’re still cool)! Everything in the BAS store is 25% off just for today! All you gotta do is use the code: BROKEASS-SUNDAY Our Resistance Line I give 1/3 of my profits from

A Broke-Ass Black Friday Survival Guide
You have a few days to prep for this year’s Black Friday. You might have been saving money to go Christmas shopping or you might have saved it to buy something for yourself. Either way, people have literally died on this day. For this reason, I see fit to point

Spend Black Friday Bowling at Brooklyn Bowl
By some estimates, the average Thanksgiving meal is approximately 3,500 calories. That excessive, and the ensuting emotional/guilt toll only makes it worse. You likely feel pretty awful right now just thinking about it it. Which is why spending the day bowling might be a good solution. Not only will you give

Holiday Shopping with a Dash of Skeeball
I’m going to assume most of you skipped the crack of dawn, stampede inducing, celebration of blind consumerism that is Black Friday. But let’s face it, women be shopping, and I am one of those women. Whether I’m up to my ears in credit card debt, I still feel the