blue owl

13 May 2009

Free $13 Cocktails and Lost Season Finale Party

Because it is game 7 of the Penguins/Caps game, I’ll be camped out in someone else’s Laz-E-Boy, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go out.  In fact, you SHOULD go out, because one less moustachioed skeeze will be infesting the nightlife waters.  Here are some safe early options, because if

06 May 2009

Wonderful Wednesday: Blue Owl and Dorkbot

Hallelujah,  it has stopped raining, for now.  I was out in the LES last night with Stuart and Anna and the weather dampened the Drinko de Cinco spirits.  Bars were pretty barren, like Ukranian women who lived near Chernobyl.  But, on my walk home in the pouring rain there was