Bushwick Book Club

FREE Zinester's Guide to NYC Release Party
If you buy one travel book about NYC, it should be Broke Ass Stuart’s. If you buy a second, it should be the Zinester’s Guide to NYC by Ayun Halliday. Broke Ass Stuarts lists just about every decent dive bar in the metro area, while the zinester’s guide encourages people

Best of 2009 with the Bushwick Book Club!
To celebrate their ground-breaking, literary songwriting dare-devilry of 2009, Bushwick Book Club is having a night of musical highlights from the whole year – tonight. Go and hear songs about Breakfast of Champions, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Flatland, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Watchmen, James

FREE Books, FREE Reading, FREE Show
Tonight, you can enrich your broke-ass brain with some FREE literary events around the city. FREE Bushwick Book Club Bushwick Book Club is to traditional book clubs like sex toy parties are to Tupperware parties. Instead of people discussing a book they all read, the Bushwick Book Club has local