Cobble Hill

Detritus Splendors Opening Reception FREE At Muriel Guépin Gallery
“One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.” In this case it’s some people’s artwork. Literally. Tonight you are all welcome to Brooklyn’s Muriel Guépin Gallery, where you’ll be the first to witness the Detritus Splendors exhibition. This exhibit will proudly display the works of Matthew Contradt & Jennifer Williams. Just

Feel The Big Headroom at 61 Local
While I don’t ever celebrate someone going out of business, the closed-down garage has been a great boon for alcoholics and art enthusiasts everywhere. Numerous galleries, performance spaces, bars, and restaurants have sprung up from where once upon a time you got your muffler checked. The great advantage to these

Sample Lagunitas Deliciousness at the Brazen Head
Craft beer, craft beer, craft beer, craft beer, craft beer. Seems to be what any bar worth it’s salt in Brooklyn can talk about. Well, that or molecularly-complicated, organic, artisanal cocktails. But let’s not get hung up on deconstructed martinis and talk about some craft beer. There’s an explosion going

Eat at Cubana Cafe Right…Now!
Sometimes it’s difficult to find restaurants that leaves carnivores and herbivores feeling equally satisfied. Sure, there are non-meat options at barbecue restaurants, but corn bread hardly counts as a full meal. And though I’m a vegetarian, I understand the need to eat lamb while getting Indian food. Next time you’re

Get That Old Book Smell at Community Bookstore
Walk into a Barnes and Noble and what do you smell? Cheap wood, burnt coffee, and the embossed plastic off the newest Dan Brown hardcover. Hardly a festival for the senses, in my humble opinion, no matter what deals they may have on the oeuvre of Carl Hiaasen. For my

Movies for Less at Cobble Hill Cinemas
Movies are fucking expensive. Seriously, finding a theater that will let you escape reality for less than $12 in this city is practically unheard of. It’s not just tickets: I recently paid $4.50 for a bottle of Dasani (102 degree heat wave, I was desperate okay?) at a theater in

Floyd in NYC: So Much Beer, So Few Dollars
There are a few reasons a person might drink six cans of shit beer in one sitting. Getting fired. Getting dumped. The United States losing to Ghana. Weekday afternoons. You know, truly heartbreaking shit. Luckily, like most necessities in this city, there is a bar for that. Floyd, which sits