Cyber Monday

It’s Giving Tuesday. Tell Capitalism to Fuck Off.
“Just buy it! You don’t have to rationalize everything,” Lisa Simpson said to her mother as the guilt-ridden Marge found a pink Chanel suit marked down from $2,800 to $90. “All right, I will buy it,” Marge says, talking herself into purchasing a garment she’ll run through her sewing machine

Screw Cyber Monday…It’s Broke-Sunday!
25% off the Entire BAS Store! Happy Broke-Ass Sunday! Fuck Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I just invented Broke-Ass Sunday (Shop Local Saturday…you’re still cool)! Everything in the BAS store is 25% off just for today! All you gotta do is use the code: BROKEASS-SUNDAY Our Resistance Line I give 1/3 of my profits from