Don’t Waste Your Youth This Friday, 7/15
Hey, guys– in case you didn’t know, sometimes you gotta hustle in NYC. I mean, this is the place where dreams come true. It’s like Disneyland for adults—just as expensive and magical, except its also dirty and sometimes dangerous and smells like hobo pee. Not to mention the weather here

Move It and Booze It at Planned Work this Friday
A venue that wants its shows to sound good as much as its paying customers do is mighty fine thing in my “Why doesn’t this happen more often?” book. A venue that wants to throw a dance party and free beer hour while they’re at it is enough to make

Painfully Cheap Drinks at Lady Jay’s Tonight
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! You could celebrate by eating green eggs and ham, wearing one of those god awful Cat in the Hat hats or painting a giant star upon your belly. Or you could go to Lady Jay’s for their crazy happy hour specials, that may or may not

FREE Playlist Mondays at Panda (With Whiskey and Vodka)
Right now, I would like to curl up on a giant panda and take a really long nap. But I’m pretty sure China doesn’t lend them out as furniture, especially non-zoos. Instead, I’ll just have to settle for my second choice: hanging out at Panda NYC and drinking FREE whiskey

FREE Arrested Development TV Party
In New York, there is an outlet for you to be any type of nerd you want to be. Case and point: The Bell House‘s TV Parties. Extreme fandom is no longer just for Sci Fi shows, their party on Thursday night is celebrating the first season of Arrested Development,

Soul Imperial at K&M
There’s a ton of “First Saturday” shit happening tomorrow, and while it’s all well and good to stand around in a museum listening to world music and drinking watered-down keg beer, why not do what you REALLY wanna do: get stupid drunk and dance with your friends? Catch the Soul

FREE Booze at 303 Grand and Macri Park
Tonight is a great night for FREE booze in Williamsburg. Start out at 303 Grand, a pop-up store that’s currently home to The Insound Design Store. Their online store sells indie vinyl and CDs, and their pop-up store is specializing in “well-designed music gifts.” While you’re looking around and debating