
How To Stop Drinking….Temporarily
By Rachel Fogletto There are hundreds of articles out there for folks who are trying to stop drinking forever. But many of us fall into another category. What do you do when you’re a functional drinker who has all of a sudden had to stop consuming booze due to abrupt

Peter Pan Donuts: Sexual Red Velvet
I don’t know if it’s all this P90X I’ve been torturing myself through doing, but I’ve recently been craving the absolute worst possible things for my health. One of the best/worst things that you can ever put into your body since pancakes is DEFINITELY donuts. I know, I know, it’s

Donuts Luncheonette Keeps You Coming Back
Some places lure you in with high design, a dining gimmick, or enough sangria to make your mouth go numb, and all of those are excellent reasons to be enticed to sit down and throw around some pocket change. However, some places suck you in and keep you coming back

Doughnut Plant: the Ultimate Calorie Bomb
There is a place on the Lower East Side that shines despite the grime of Grand St. It is a glorious confectionery haven known as Doughnut Plant, and there, for $4, you can consume your entire caloric budget for one day easily. Behold the Doughnut Plant doughnut. I know $4

Mmm….Donuts from the Doughnut Plant
Sometime in the mid to late 90s, my sister got an alarm clock for her birthday. It was a statue of Homer Simpson, and when it was time to wake you up, the Homer said ‘œMmmmmmm. Donuts.’ Like this: Mmm Donuts I had forgotten about this alarm clock, but when