
A Brief History of East vs West Coast Rap.
Last week March 9th, marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Notorious B.I.G. In his few short years of superstardom, Biggie left a crater-sized impact on the music industry and a cloudy legacy behind him.

10 Hip Hop Songs to Help You Cope with the Police Killings in America
The corporate and political masters of America don’t care about us, and it’s obvious. It’s discouraging, but don’t feel alone. We don’t need them. Fuck them! We have each other! So don’t be afraid to connect with members of your community to work towards a solution for this very real

FREE Giveaways and More at the Insound Warehouse Sale Tonight
Online cool kid retailer Insound.com doesn’t think it’s enough to give you a Free MP3 every week and discounts almost as often in its newsletters, it wants to get to know you better… you, the guy who ordered the Dr. Dre Magnetic Poetry or the girl who orders Wolf Parade