
Apploi Makes Job Searches Quick and Convenient From Your Mobile Device
As the holidays slowly become a distant memory, so does your temporary or seasonal job. It’s time to look for something to get you through the winter months. Apploi, an application for your smartphone or tablet is changing the entire scope of the job application and hiring process. Apploi, a

Dear Portland – Stop Texting Me to Hangout at 2pm on a Weekday
So I moved to Portland last summer from San Francisco and, as you can tell from my previous posts, (A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland) I’m madly in love with it.

The Myth of the Dream Job
Some of you are broke because you are waiting for your dream job to come along. Or, you may be broke BECAUSE you are in your dream job, and the money doesn’t matter. Congratulations, you’ve achieved something that so many of us pine for daily. I know this is