
26 Apr 2011

Dumb Cheap Pizza Lunch Special Is Afoot at Lil’ Frankies!

Perhaps you’ve noticed the rash of $1.00 pizza joints around town nowadays. It’s really testing the limits of the age old maxim of “there’s no such thing as bad pizza in New York City,” which is true when you consider what the outland territories (read: flyover states) dare to call

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
05 Apr 2011

Yelp Does Something Worthwhile, Gives You Cheap Booze

Allow me a second to pour on some haterade. Yelp provides a good basic service at its core, but it leads to abuses of power that drown out any actual establishments voice in its own reputation. Frankly, any star system seems pretty petty when trying to objectify an opinion, and

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
29 Mar 2011

Sample Lagunitas Deliciousness at the Brazen Head

Craft beer, craft beer, craft beer, craft beer, craft beer. Seems to be what any bar worth it’s salt in Brooklyn can talk about. Well, that or molecularly-complicated, organic, artisanal cocktails. But let’s not get hung up on deconstructed martinis and talk about some craft beer. There’s an explosion going

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
22 Mar 2011

Bid A Fond Adieu to Merce Cunningham’s Legacy

Excuse my ignorance of the form, but I’ve never been much of one for modern dance. It’s an incredibly powerful art that can really illicit emotion through the display of the body contorting and acting in uncommon, graceful ways, but watching too many bad performances soured my taste for the

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
15 Mar 2011

Meet The Living Cartoon Who Created Hello Kitty for FREE

Well, isn’t this something. Here I was always under the impression that Hello Kitty just sort of, like, happened. Like one day we all went to sleep and the next we woke up and there was this ubiquitous, mouthless cat that was emblazoned upon anything with a surface. And, probably,

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
01 Mar 2011

FREE Pancakes Today at IHOP

Sure, why not? Apparently March 1st is National Pancake Day. I mean, whatever. Where do these holidays come from? Are they sanctioned by any sort of higher power that has to weight the historical significance of this day over all others to celebrate flapjacks? What were waffles up to on

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
15 Feb 2011

FREE Coffee All Over NYC Through February

Oh my God, you guys. Did you hear about this? This is kinda major. Like, new-Rococop-movie level major. When I budget out my life I can always count on a few common red lines. Biggest one is booze, naturally, but a perpetual deficit is my love of coffee. Now, thanks

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0