
07 Nov 2014

Listen Up! Catcalling Won’t End Overnight

As a man, I didn’t need to see the catcalling video by Hollaback! to know that women are frequent victims of verbal harassed on the street. I’ve seen it. I’ve heard it. To be honest, I had become so numb to the act that I’ve laughed about it. I laughed,

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
04 Nov 2014

Why it Might Actually be Preferable to Turn a “Ho” into a “Housewife”

Most of us have heard the dull and alliterative hip-hop proverb: you can’t turn a ho into a housewife. It’s a relatively new incarnation of a very old idea that probably comes from the Old Testament or some other terrible book. While the wording has changed throughout the years the

14 Oct 2014

It’s Time to Retire the Word “Slut”

I love language. I believe even the vilest of words and phrases can be employed rhetorically in a way that is both provocative and engaging. So when I say it’s time to retire the word slut it is not that I wish to censor the word or remove it from