Fortress of Attitude

Tonight Fortress of Attitude Brings Comedy Back to Queens
Fortress of Attitude returns to QED Astoria tonight at 8:30 p.m. with Comedy is Back! Check out their awesome lineup for tonight’s awesome show. Pat Stango, Clayton Gumbert, & Gregg Zehentner present a comedy spectacular in Astoria this Friday with… – Nick Vatterott (Fallon; Conan; Comedy Central Half-Hour) – Matt Wayne

FREE Valentine’s Day Weekend Comedy: Fortress of Attitude presents “Comedy is Back” at QED Astoria
You see that video up there? The evil geniuses that make up Fortress of Attitude put that together. And now they’re putting comedy back together tonight in Astoria, Queens. Here’s the info: Are you curious… about the new Fortress of Attitude comedy show at QED Astoria this Friday, February 13?

Fortress of Attitude presents Comedy is Back at QED Astoria
The madness of the holiday season has probably got you down and the weather has made you cold. We feel for you, really. So that’s why we’re advising you to spend your Friday night at QED Astoria, the show and tell venue for adults, with our favorite comedy rock band

FREE Comedy: Fortress of Attitude presents: Comedy is Back at Q.E.D. in Queens
On Wednesday, November 12 comedic rock band Fortress of Attitude (FoA) is back, and they’re bringing comedy back with them! Pat Stango, Clayton Gumbert & Gregg Zehentner will be entertaining you an evening of stand-up, sketches, skits, and skitches. (Yes. Skitches.) All of this will be taking place at 7:30pm

FREE Comedy Tonight: Fortress of Attitude Apartment Comedy Show
Guess who’s back? It’s New York’s own Fortress of Attitude! Pat Stango, Clayton Gumbert and Gregg Zehentner are hosting another laugh-out-loud apartment comedy show tonight. And guess what? Your broke-ass is invited to laugh, get wasted, and make good used of their liquid soap. (I’m told they have buckets of

FREE Comedy Night: Fortress of Attitude Apartment Show w/ Leo Allen
Are you guys ready to laugh? If so, you might want to stop by for the return of the Fortress of Attitude Apartment Comedy Show on Friday, August 23rd at 7:30PM. Pat Stango, Scott Barkan, Clayton Gumbert, and Gregg Zehentner, will be hosting another intimate night of live comedy and

FREE Concert: Fortress of Attitude Playing Arlene’s Grocery Tonight
Sadly, I’ve received some terrible news this month: there will not be an intimate apartment show with the boys from Fortress of Attitude. But, the good news is that they will be performing at Arlene’s Grocery tonight! The New York-based comedy rock group will be hitting the stage for an