
03 Nov 2017

12 Reasons You Should NOT Support Broke-Ass Stuart Ever

This post is sponsored by Citizens Against Broke-Ass Stuart. Apparently Broke-Ass Stuart has started a Patreon page so that the website can be sustainable, and so he pay his writers better, keep supporting progressive causes, and continue creating what he calls “dope shit”. We hear he’s even giving out “rad

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 Apr 2015

Broke-Ass Stuart Needs YOUR Help to Grow Up!!

I’ve launched an indiegogo campaign to raise money to help grow to its full potential. Please go here to donate and make sure to read all the perks, especially the ones starting at $2,000 because they are hilarious! You can read all about why I’m doing this below. Thank you for your love and support.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Jul 2011

FREE Mermaids of New York Screening and Fundraiser Tonight

Remember when you were little and you used to cross your legs while swimming and pretend you were a mermaid? And it even looked like you had a tail in your shadow, and that was the coolest? And you’d do it for like, hours? Remember? Well even if you don’t,

Jill S. 0
11 Nov 2010

Caked Up! A Custom Cake Art Show

Cupcakes, cake, and just pastries in general are certainly having their moment right now. There’s Ace of Cakes and Cake Wrecks, this country’s fetishization of foods knows no bounds. And why not?, everyone loves cake. What’s been elevated to practically an art form, you no longer have to get hitched

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
14 Oct 2010

Free Theater, Music and Booze at Pantry Party this Saturday

The Pantry Party is a like a hipper, smarter version of the canned food drives we all did in elementary school. Knowing that donating a non-perishable now takes more effort than sneaking the cans of food you like least from your parents’ pantry, this group takes the party part seriously

Jill S. 0
18 Sep 2010

The Last Supper Art Festival & Charity Event

It’s true, broke people aren’t exactly leading the pack in charitable work. Sure you can volunteer, but when it comes to giving back, our pockets are often empty. So when an event comes around that combines art, music, film, booze, and supports a good cause, you can count me in.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
18 Aug 2009

COMICS in Bryant Park, Cheap FILM FESTIVALS, and a HEALTH CARE PARTY this Week!

COMICS PANEL – Word for Word Series in Bryant Park Sometimes I want to avoid Midtown at all costs.  When it is hot, it seems hotter there.  When it is humid, it seems that all things stick a little bit better there too.  However, us broke-asses can’t always choose where

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0