Habana Outpost

Habana Outpost Block Party
One of everyone’s favorite outdoor eateries, Habana Outpost is throwing their annual Block Party all day today. Since it’s only once a year, they’ve managed to jam back every possible activity into one event. With bands playing all day, street vendors hawking their wares and a seemingly endless flow of

Dear Anna G, Help Me Pick Up BK Dudes
I swear to god, people, I’m not making these up. Here’s the latest from my inbox: Dear Anna, As a single gal in NYC, I’m done dealing with the pretentious shallow cakeboys of Manhattan. I love hearing about your dips in the dating pool of Brooklyn and think you can

Walk Don’t Destroy
We New Yorkers know how to put the mileage on our feet. Here are two walking events this weekend that will allow you to enjoy the walk and not just worry about where you have to be. Hell, you can even Jadewalk your way to the events! Brooklyn Walks Back