Housing Works

Screw Love: The Broke-Ass Anti-Valentine’s Day Round-Up
There’s nothing quite like a slew of glittery cardboard hearts, strategically plastered throughout the lifeless windows of New York City’s retail stores, prepping themselves for that one day in February. There isn’t another imitation holiday that can arrogantly compete, nothing else that simply screams out: commercialized holiday bastardizing the idea

FREE Zinester's Guide to NYC Release Party
If you buy one travel book about NYC, it should be Broke Ass Stuart’s. If you buy a second, it should be the Zinester’s Guide to NYC by Ayun Halliday. Broke Ass Stuarts lists just about every decent dive bar in the metro area, while the zinester’s guide encourages people

Housing Works V-Day Mixer
I know that even those of us in relationships are sick to death of all of the Valentine’s Day coverage that the Internet spews forth like so many partially chewed-up conversation hearts. That being said, it IS almost Valentine’s Day and we DO all have to do something with ourselves tonight.

The Art of Winter Layering
While I’m looking forward to the spring trends Ashley talked about, one of the things that pisses me off about the “fashion world” is that it’s never in sync with the actual seasons. I came home the other day only to discover a Victoria’s Secret’s swimsuit catalog in my mailbox.

Automatic Slims, Planning Ahead and Krazy Komedy!
The big summer holiday weekend approaches, folks and in the interest of planning ahead and maximizing fundage before Friday I am taking a three-pronged approach to this post. First things first…