
Improdrome – FREE Improv at the PIT Wednesday Nights
Theater kids. They’re weird. Every time you hang out with theater kids, it’s all inside jokes about stage-fight workshops and terrible British accents. Once, as a child I was roped into an acting class. We spent an hour “learning” how to fall down. I never returned. Thus, it was with

Thunder Gulch Presents: MONSTER NIGHT LIVE! at UCB Theatre Tonight!
The thing with Halloween falling on a Monday is that you can tire yourself out before you even get to the big day itself. If, like me, you are loathe to put on your costume yet again, but don’t want to feel like a lame by staying in on Halloween

Three Cheers For Pasties! See The Dapper Flappers’ Burlesque Show This Thursday
It’s that time of year. The sun is out, allergies are kicking up, and clothing starts to shed. You can always tell when spring has finally sprung based on necklines getting lower and hemlines getting higher (applies for guys as well with the advent of the deep V-neck). It’s a

Gravid Water: Part Improv, Part Play, All Awesome
Gravid Water is the theatrical equivalent of letting one side of a debate prepare statements, and not telling the other side what the debate topic is. But instead of being an unfair trainwreck, it’s one of the best nights at UCB Theatre. Gravid Water is a monthly show where an

FREE Improv All Night at the PIT
The PIT recently became a trend setter. They moved their theater out of the improv district to the east side. Their new space is huge–not only is the theater itself huge, but their waiting room is now a spacious, full size bar. And even more exciting, there are six FREE

Colbert Report Writers Seize the Mustard
Tomorrow is a special day for two reasons. 1. It’s National Chocolate Cake Day. 2. The writers of the Colbert Report performing Seize the Mustard, an improv show. That’s right, the people who are the brains of the show are emerging from their writer’s cave to do a long form

It's Time Again for No Pants
January seems to summon everyone’s inner idiot in the the most glorious fashions. From drinking heavily at midnight on 1/1 to the Polar Bear club, everyone is stir crazy and willing to act on frivolous impulse. How else does one explain the yearly tradition of Improv Everywhere’s No Pants Subway