kim kardashian

07 Oct 2014

10 Reasons Why TMZ is Good for American Media and Culture

Over the past four years I’ve crept slowly into the jagged womb of information that is entertainment journalism. I started out writing for posh, niche and somewhat pretentious arts and culture magazines and online media outlets, writing about music, sex and feminism. I somehow over time became a serious entertainment

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Jul 2012

Dress for Success or Dress to Express?

If you’re reading this then there is a good chance that you’re broke. And, if you’re broke, there’s quite possibly a rebellious reason why you’re broke. Yes, it is hard to be monetarily successful in these harsh economic times, but I’m sure that if all you really cared about was

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0