Liz Miele

FREE Comedy: Fortress of Attitude presents: Comedy is Back at Q.E.D. in Queens
On Wednesday, November 12 comedic rock band Fortress of Attitude (FoA) is back, and they’re bringing comedy back with them! Pat Stango, Clayton Gumbert & Gregg Zehentner will be entertaining you an evening of stand-up, sketches, skits, and skitches. (Yes. Skitches.) All of this will be taking place at 7:30pm

TICKET GIVEAWAY: Liz Miele at Caroline's on Broadway
Remember being 18? Apparently while the rest of us were sneaking warm beers from our parents’ garage, comedian Liz Miele was being profiled in the New Yorker. NBD. Now, at 25, Liz’s comedy is older and wiser but still told with the relatable ease that’s been earning her attention since

Tonight – Don't Touch Me There (Again!)
We here at Broke-Ass Stuart have featured Don’t Touch Me There a whopping total of five times over the past year. This offers up a number of possible explanations. It is, for example, possible that BAS, conscious connoisseur of all things comedic and sharp, sees a certain artistic strength and emotional maturity in

Don't Touch Me There- Free Comedy
If you assholes like to laugh, and I’m pretty sure you do, allow me to direct you to an event this evening that will have you busting a gut, splitting your sides and Ell-Oh-Ell-ing with such alacrity that your friend will have to ball-gag you! “Don’t Touch Me There”, tonight