
29 Sep 2017

Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Shares His Love of Horror

Welcome to Bay of the Living Dead, a regular column about the horror genre. Kirk Hammett is world famous for his incomparable work as guitarist for the heavy metal band Metallica. Heavy metal fans might notice, when attending Metallica concerts, the unusual artwork which graces Hammet’s instruments. One of his guitars features

David-Elijah Nahmod 0
13 Mar 2013

Melba NYC: Meet People. Feast Together.

Nearly a month ago, I received an unexpected invitation to a private launch party near Union Square, inside of a fancy, dimly lit, loft apartment decorated with wine bottles from other guests. It was fitted with a narrow elevator directly opening into the apartment itself, along with an ostentatious piano,

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
20 Jul 2011

Idle Hands: Bourbon, Beer and Rock Are Better in a Basement

A rock and roll speakeasy seems as much like an oxymoron as an affordable bourbon bar, but apparently both exist in a  hideaway under the trampled sidewalks of Alphabet City. Idle Hands was first brought to my attention not because of its over 150 different bourbons (!), or intense selection

Jill S. 0
26 Jul 2010

Karaoke Killed the Cat at Brooklyn Bowl

Most nights out in New York force some difficult decision making: dance party? karaoke? dirty bar? bowling? Why do these need to be mutually exclusive? At Brooklyn Bowl on Mondays, they don’t. Karaoke Killed the Cat is a FREE karaoke night that promises to be both karaoke for people who

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0