
The Differences Between Fourteen Year Old Me, and Twenty-Six Year Old Me
I’ve been re-watching a lot of old episodes of Freaks and Geeks with my Nick Andopolis/Sam Weir hybrid of a boy toy lately (all of the philosophical stoner wisdom of Andopolis without the clinginess, and the gentlemanly quality of Weir without the hairless pits– what more could a lady ask

In Search of a Sugar Daddy
Listen, I’m a simple girl with simple needs. As long as I can scour my local Salvation Army for ill-fitting ethnic print dresses and eat a burrito at least once a week, I am pretty much satisfied. But lately, times have gotten tough. This girl is horribly underemployed, and my–

Watching Your Priest Do “Jazz Hands,” and Other Reasons Why Community Theatre is Awesome
Gimme the ol’ razzle dazzle– the lights, the glamor, the glitter of show business. Then take it down about 50 notches, put it in a tiny theatre in suburbia or in a high school multipurpose room, and make the actor playing the leading man double as my neighbor’s dad who