New Year’s Resolutions

I Didn’t Choose the Eskimo Life, the Eskimo Life Chose Me
I don’t know about you but this Polar Vortex is fucking with my livelihood, my health, and my basic human functionalities. It has rendered me virtually immobile. It’s not that I’m using the bitter cold temperatures and the unpredictable blitzkriegs of snow as an excuse to lie around my apartment

New Year’s Resolutions I Wish I Could Keep
The New Year brings an opportunity to start fresh, say goodbye to bad habits and become an overall better person. I thought of a few things I’d like to give up in 2013, but only time will tell how long it will take for me to break these resolutions. Instead

Broke-Ass Mom Resolves
I’m not sure I believe in New Year’s Resolutions. I feel like they are just an additional way to feel bad about yourself by the end of the year. Then you can look back and say, “Shit, I said I was going to lose how many pounds, and I’m up