
Oakland’s Punks with Lunch Turns Three
In a climate where words such as ‘displacement’, ‘gentrification’, ‘homelessness’, and ‘addiction’ are populating our daily vocabularies with greater frequency, Punks with Lunch is a bright light in the dark night of Oakland’s current housing epidemic. In its third year, Punks with Lunch continues to operate on the simple mission

The Last Supper Art Festival & Charity Event
It’s true, broke people aren’t exactly leading the pack in charitable work. Sure you can volunteer, but when it comes to giving back, our pockets are often empty. So when an event comes around that combines art, music, film, booze, and supports a good cause, you can count me in.

Broke Ass Of The Week — Alex G., The Hottest Girl In the Nonprofit Sector
Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.

FREE Book Exchange in NYC!!
Nobody really likes the AM New York Guys. They’re pushy, in your face and most of the papers end up all over the floor of every subway station in the city. But as a regular commuter, I like to have something to read that doesn’t involve sensational rags, blowing all

Beer and Wine @ Charity Dating Site Launch Party
At the risk of blowing all female participation in this interesting new venture, I feel I still need to admit that I signed up to be a guinea pig for GiveAndDate way back when it was still in development because a friend knows the people behind it. The idea, as