outdoor garden

Happy Hour at the Half King
The Half King is my usual meet-up of choice with visiting out-of-towners, since it’s classy (impress them with your New York-ness!), right in front of steps leading up to the Highline (take a walk afterwards!), and they have a banging happy hour (don’t spend too much money entertaining them!). The wood-covered

The Zombie Hut and Why Everything’s More Fun with Fire
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We are solidly into April, ie spring, but my winter coat is still on and my skin is still an “indoor kid” shade of pale. So off I go to where a lei and drink shots that have been lit on fire even though

d.b.a. opens in Williamsburg, becomes less annoying
Some people love being in a huge crowd, using their best cheerleader voices while surrounded by a sea of different people and their corresponding drink-spilling elbows. I am close to the exact opposite of this kind of person. d.b.a. on 1st Avenue was one of the few overcrowded bars I