park slope
FREE Brooklyn Mutt Show This Weekend
It’s time to praise the nappy little barksters of Brooklyn and reward them for their oddball ways at the 2nd annual Brooklyn Mutt Show. This ain’t your grandma’s Westminister, proven just by the fact there is a Snook-a-like contest to find the dog who best resembles everybody’s favorite Jersey Shore
Equal Opportunity Drinking at Commonwealth
Some establishments feel like they never opened, per se, but rather grew naturally from the ground and people just started showing up. The walls are old, the taps well worn, and the crowd is consistent. If you’re lucky they have enough character to offer something special, like warm drinks on
Barbes: Paris in Park Slope
Before diving in ramble first about why you should check out live music club Barbes in Brooklyn, I want you to know there is an “accent grave” (as the Baguette-loving say) over the “e” in the name of the bar. I have tried for longer than I should admit to
Adjust Your Clock to Blue Sky Bakery
Something you need to know about me- I take my muffins seriously. More so than cupcakes, the pop ephemera of the pastry world, or other various tarts and cakes and whatever else, muffins are a source for pure, unmitigated deliciousness if done right. Unfortunately, many of them come out tasting
FREE Cartoons, Culture and Cereal: This is How We Do 2011
We cried, we laughed, maybe we even puked a little bit, but we survived another year. If you’re not to busy drowning yourself in Bloody Mary’s, there is plenty of awesome free stuff in our fair city this weekend. After all, do you really want the first face you see
Union Hall: Go for the Bocce, Stay for the Bathrooms
I am unfortunately not in NYC right now for the shit ton of snow and to punch people who use the word “snowpocalypse,” but agree that it looks like father winter was super drunk and got carried away with the whole weather thing. I know for a while I’d be
FREE Zinester's Guide to NYC Non-Denominational Cookie Swap
Baked goods are the best part of any holiday, especially cookies from the winter holidays. While all Christmas and Chanukkah cookies are delicious, it’s important to have variety. Making your grandma’s signature snickerdoodles is pretty awesome, until you’ve been eating them for every meal for three days. Instead of eating