Ping Pong

Whiners Will Be Paddled at Amateur Ping Pong Tournament
I played ping pong for the first time a few weeks ago. Coordination and gentleness has never my thing. I hit a ball so hard it went into the balcony level of bleachers at the Y. Then I hit another ball onto the track and had to dodge runners to

Free Ping Pong in Bryant Park
There are quite a number of ping pong aficionados, I’m sure , who would agree with the conviction that ping pong in its customary form constitutes a sport of the clearly indoor sort. The air, the lighting, the soft echoes of grunt strikes – its all altered in the outdoor sphere. The folks over

Broke Ass Guide to Bar Games
As an avid fan of cheap entertainment, I’m always on the hunt for bars that feature games of the drunken competitive variety. When some people think of bar games, they envision a lone patron, hogging the stool playing erotic photohunt. Or large groups that play pool all night and shoot