
Trump Represents All That’s Flawed with America…but There’s Hope For Change
This originally appeared in a slightly different form in my Broke-Ass City column for the San Francisco Examiner. Well, it’s been three years. Three whole years since the Divided States of America inaugurated the sorriest excuse for a human many of us have ever witnessed. We live in a world

Explosive Leaked Emails Reveal Stephen Miller is Bald
While it has already been reported that in the run-up to the 2016 election, leaked emails indicate that Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature, boosted racist immigration stories, and obsessed over the loss of confederate symbols – further investigation has revealed an ACTUALLY surprising detail about the White House Senior

How the GOP Plans to Win Without the People’s Support
by Willem Frankfort As the dark, rolling miasma of impeachment and possible removal from office approaches our dear leader, Donald Trump, the Republican majority in the Senate has proven a reliable shield. To a staunch anti-Trumpist like myself, it can be difficult to understand how a party which used to

Things Do Not Look Good for Mike Pence If Trump Is Impeached
With Donald Trump’s impeachment all but certain, and the possibility of his subsequent conviction in the Senate growing a little less remote every day, it’s worth looking at what might happen if he does indeed leave the White House for good, rage-tweeting during Fox and Friends from Mar-a-Lago forever. Pretty

Voodoo as a Means of Political Resistance
by Willem Frankfort I’ve been an activist for a long time, since my mother led me by the hand to Free Mandela rallies. I’m pretty sure that my first words were probably condemning Ronald Reagan. I marched repeatedly; against two wars, against the one percent with Occupy Wall Street at

How to Talk to Your Centrist Parents
By Ryan Dennis I ring home once a week. The structure of these calls follows a predictable pattern: starting with family gossip, then whatever they did that week, then sports, then weather, then politics. My parents are Democrats in an upstate county that registers two-to-one Republican. Complaining about Trump on

Let’s Get Civical Is The Podcast That’s Equal Parts Civics Class and Comedy Show
I bet you think you’re pretty well educated about politics. You can probably name most of the Dems who’ve already announced they’re running in 2020 but can you explain what gerrymandering is? What about ‘cloture’? Or ‘quorum’? Politics is more than just the names on the ballot. It’s also the